Sunday, September 30, 2007

I-ay am-ay appy-hay

This weekend I went home. On Saturday I dug potatoes, trimmed a hedge, raked, and watched King Kong. The old school version. On Sunday we went to the Busti Apple Festival and I got some apples and a Cactus. Her name is Cynthia Sophia. That is basically the extent of my weekend, but the point is, even though I had a really great time at home, it wasn't so hard to come back to Alfred. Heck, if I had the choice, I would rather be home, hands down. But it didn't seem like the end of the world this time, coming back to school. I guess that's a good thing. Maybe that means that school isn't hard enough, that I'm not realizing what a change college is from the rest of my life. Maybe not. Anyway, I guess it's still a good thing that I'm so darn happy, at here, or at home. Being happy is a good thing, right?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Christmas, smells, and things

Well, not much is going on today. I am leaving for Jamestown in a little while, for the weekend. I get to dig up potatoes, and I'm quite excited about that, really. I keep listening to Christmas music online-it's getting me all excited for Christmas about four months in advance. I think my excitement will peak about mid-November, and then when Christmas comes, I won't be so excited anymore. I hope that doesn't happen. I keep thinking about Christmas and how it smells. It smells like pine trees (of course) and pepperkakar (which is spelled so wrong) and snow and smoke and korv. Pretty Swedish, right? And now my room here smells like Febreeze, wheat thins, lotion and hospital room. Not quite the same. But it smells lovely outside when it's raining-like dirt and trees and wet things. This post is really random, but I guess that's the kind of day I am having.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why I like College

To be honest, I was worried that Alfred wasn't the right college for me for a few weeks. But still may not be the "perfect college." There may be a place out there that was perfect for me. But I am really happy here, I love all my classes, and it is a beautiful campus. Just this past week, I got to read short stories, debate about environmental ethics, and watch Don Giovanni. I mean, what's not to love? Not to mention the food. Give me half a grapefruit a day, and I will be fine. And the fact that there are pianos available any time of the night or the day if I ever want to practice on them. So I think overall, this is the right school for me. I'm not trying to sound sappy or emotionally whacked out, so roll your eyes if you will. I am having a sweet time, essays, rain, homesickness, and all.

Oh and one more thing...

"Those aren't giant prawns."

"Yes they are."

"No they're not."

To Boot or Not to Boot

So, I have these Amazing pair of boots. They are probably designed for 8 year olds, but they were a size nine, so I got them. And they look like bees. I haven't had a chance to wear them yet, because every time it's rained, I've been inside. So last night, about 20 minutes before I have to go to Opera class, it starts rainging. I say to myself "Haha! Tonight I will wear my Boots!" And then it stops raining. But I don't care because the groud has to be wet, right? Eh, not so much. So there I am, debating about boots or no boots, and I finally say, "Oh eff it. I am going to wear them." So I put them on, lope downstairs (I recieved a compliment on the way down) and exit Openhym only to discover that it is not really wet out at all. There's a group of guys hanging around, and I sort of self-conciously/proudly walk by them. To make up for this lack of surface water, I have to find puddles to step in or wet grass to walk through in order to justify my lovely boots. But I think they sort of justify themselves.