Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Butter as a source of fuel?

I have to go to class in about 5 minutes, so I'll keep this short. We were talking about fuel sources in environmental science today, with ethanol, gas, crude oil, nuclear power and all that stuff, when someone mentioned butter power. I don't know whether this kid had ever heard of "butter power" before, or if he had just made it up, but anyway, my teacher had "butter power" on the chart she was copying, and it's not that far behind wood power!! (wood is 12 BTUx10^6/ton and butter is 9!!) I almost started laughing in class. Butter power!!?!? It's like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Dr. Suess. But I guess butter power isn't that effiecient anyway. So don't go out and buy a ton of butter. It really can't power all that much electricity, or whatever. But you might want to start a stock pile somewhere, in case our oil is gone. You just might need it to power your car or house.

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